Jennifer Freeland
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Of course, it should concern everyone really, not just those about to be named, because this isn’t just a suicide note it is a documentary confession of an intent to murder. My intent to murder. I am going to murder an evil, evil man, a man who has encroached on every space in my life: my home, my work, my movements, killing all joy in living; a total invasion, of my being, my soul, leaving me stranded in an inescapable hell without hope of salvation. Those TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, those working in institutions I once valued; those I know as friends, neighbours, and work colleagues will, through my account in this document, learn how some of you too became a victim of this evil man’s guile, unconsciously lining up with him with your pity and concern about my “mental” state.
Please believe me when I tell you that when you read my final words in this account, the last thing I want is for any of you to be racked with guilt. This is not about revenge at all. Those of you I knew before this brutal invasion I will love to my dying breath. I want happiness for you in your life and fulfilment, but I also want you to be aware, to know after I’ve murdered this evil being and am dead myself, how evil works so that you have some protection. I want those of you in authorities I looked to for help, but who ended up, instead, threatening to charge me with Wasting Police Time if I didn’t stop bothering you, to know the truth. Bothering you, my God, I was fighting for my life and sanity, and you left me with nowhere to turn. You gave this evil man the green light to torment me to the end. You need to learn so that this never happens again.
I think I will succeed because, now that I know my life will soon end, I have nothing to lose. I don’t have to struggle to keep my job, I can sell my home, use my savings, do everything needed to prove to you by evidence, that which you failed to find, see, imagine, or simply ignored. For the first time in a long time, I can feel some of my lost control of events returning and this feeling will grow.
I know that those who loved me but are no longer alive would not have thought me capable of murder or taking my own life. I know that many of you who still try to stay in touch with me, although less frequently than before, will be shattered that I could plan to kill someone. But, you see, I know this isn’t the first time this man has done this. I’m told that he has no record, no convictions, but I know that he could not have achieved this level 2 of expertise, this ability to drive the life force out of another human being without a process. I know that there was someone before me and I know that if I don’t stop him there will be another after me, and then another. I must stop him. When those of you TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN read this, you will understand that by simply taking my own life I would not have changed anything. My death would simply be filed under ‘Tragic loss of life through depression,’ and the evil invader will turn his attention towards another victim. So, I need to set out before you evidence that this tragic loss of life was not inevitable, you simply underrated the power of evil, as did I.
Before I name those of you TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, I just want, briefly, to tell you how this man first appeared in my life just over a year ago. Whatever representation of evil many of you imagine, it probably won’t be the one I’m about to show you. That of course is why I didn’t see it coming. So, a short background, and then your names, after which I will progress through my evidence, some already on record, the rest which I will collect and leave for you. Here goes: